Loop-Loc is a manufacturer of many top of the line products. Aquamatic East Coast has been a dealer of Loop-Loc winter covers for 5 years and we will never change brands. Loop-Loc covers have proven to be the best in the industry, based on their warranty, their customer service, and their technology surpasses everybody else in the winter cover industry. Even if you have an automatic pool cover system, it is a good idea to also have a Loop-Loc winter cover. In our region, the snow and ice accumulation on top of your auto cover can become too heavy for the auto cover to survive without damaging some components. This is why a winter cover is highly recommended. A Loop-Loc winter cover is a safety cover that is strong enough to support “Bubbles” the elephant. Loop-Loc offers the very best warranty in the industry, with a 15 year Prorated Warranty. Loop-Loc offers solid vinyl covers and high strength mesh covers to fit the needs of every pool shape and size.
Because providing pool safety has always been the main priority for us here at Aquamatic East Coast, we have found that some pools are not designed for an automatic pool cover system. For these families that have small children and a valid concern for safety around the pool, Loop-Loc also provides Baby-Loc removable fencing to surround the pool. Baby-Loc is a mesh fencing that mounts into your pool deck with high strength, fiberglass or aluminum poles that are non-corrosive, rust proof, and color matched to the black open-weave mesh that makes up your barrier fence. Baby-Loc offers gates if they are needed, or you could easily take down a section of the fencing near the entry point of the pool when needed. Baby-Loc comes in two heights that exceed the U.S Consumer Product Guidelines for pool safety. Baby-Loc is offered in 4 1/2’ height, and 5’ height. Let us help to make your pool a safe and worry free part of your home.